Paris-based, Horowitz was raised in New York City. His work begins with the acknowledgment of past histories, traumas, and memories; his paintings are a process of both labor and repair. Horowitz incorporates painting, stitching, sewing, and more recently, cyanotype, into his layered compositions to bring different sources, registers of time, and storytelling into a common plane. Horowitz’s work has been the subject of international solo and group exhibitions - from New York, Los Angeles. Mexico City, Warsaw, Berlin, Leipzig, Paris to Split, Barcelona, Montreal, and Amsterdam. In 2016 Horowitz was commissioned a body of work by the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature.
Whenever not painting, Horowitz has channeled his creative vision into the realm of museum and cultural heritage projects. His work as an Artistic Director includes leading the design of the soon-to-be-opened Warsaw Ghetto Museum, as well as conceptualizing archaeology museums and immersive experiences in the Middle East.
For more information on Museum Design
Residencies and Awards
2021 OSMOS, New York, USA, Artist in Residence
2018 Villa Lena, Italy, Artist in Residence
2017 Cite International des Arts, Paris, France Artist Fellowship
2016 Omi International Art Center, Fellowship, Ghent, NY
Vermont Studio Center, award and fellowship, Johnson, VT, USA
2015 LIA Leipzig International Art Programme, grant, Leipzig, Germany
Triangle Artists' Workshop, Salem, NY, USA, Fellowship
Espronceda Art Center, Barcelona, Spain, Artist in Residence
2014 Residency Unlimited, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Pioneer Works Center for Art and Innovation, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Galeria Karen Huber Residency, Mexico City, Mexico
2011 Scope / Artist Wanted laureate, grant and exhibition / Miami, FL, USA
Solo Exhibitions
2019 Sleepwalkers, National Museum of Art, Bucharest, Romania,
2019 Pensée Sauvage, galerie RX, Paris, France
2017 Noble Savage, Rutger Brandt Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2017 Civilization and its Discontents, SPRING/BREAK, New York, NY
2016 Totem & Taboo, Tillou Fine Art, Brooklyn, NY, USA
2016 Hypnagogia, Joyce Yahouda gallery, Montreal, Canada
2015 Tongueless Pelicans, Leipzig International Art Programme, Spinnerei, Germany
Planned Obsolescence, The Dept. of Signs & Symbols, Brooklyn, NY, USA
2014 Ceremony Interrupted, Karen Huber Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico
Camouflage, Pioneer Works Center for Art & Innovation, Brooklyn, NY, US
Lost Identity, Cutlog Project Space, New York, NY, USA
меtаморфоза, galerie L’Inlassable, Paris, France
2012 365, The Invisible Dog Art Center, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Group Exhibitions
2019 Les fleurs de l’été sont les rêves de l’hiver racontés le matin à la table des anges,
Galerie Praz Delavallade, Paris, France
2019 iBiennale, Honolulu, Hawai’i, USA
2018 Im Schwarm der Objekte, Forum Culturel Autrichien, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France
2018 Cabinet, Galerie Da-End, Paris, France
2017 Sitting Still, Still Life, Bravin Lee Gallery, New York, Etats-Unis2017 Birds of America, Exhibit 101,
Los Angeles, CA
2016 Safaris, Curated by Claude d’Anthenaise / Director / Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature,
Paris, France
2015 The Self-Drawing Hand, galerie Magda Danysz, Paris, France
Unheimlich, Leipzig International Art Programme, Spinnerei Art Center, Germany
Phlogiston, curated by KJ Baysa and Branco Franceschi / Museum of Modern Art, Split, Croatia
In The Cloud, Ethan Cohen Fine Arts gallery, New York, NY, USA
Joshua Triennial, curated by KJ Baysa and Bernard Leibov, Joshua Tree, CA, USA
Living Tropical, Karen Huber gallery, Mexico City, Mexico
Micro Salon, galerie L’Inlassable, Paris, France
Profil Perdu, Karen Huber gallery ℅ MC gallery, Brooklyn, NY, USA
2014 Materializing Immateriality, galerie L’Inlassable, SCOPE, New York, NY, USA
Delighted Dramas, curated by Luise Kaunert, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Micro Salon, galerie L’Inlassable, Paris, France
2013 Painters of Illustration, Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw, Poland
Papier Montréal, Joyce Yahouda gallery, Montreal, Canada
Young & Starving, curated by Y & S, Christie’s, New York, NY, USA
2012 Magnetic Truths, Artists Wanted, New York, NY, USA
Muriel Guépin gallery, Art Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Muriel Guépin gallery, Art MRKT San Francisco, CA, USA